Why & how should pets get microchipped?

Pets hold a special place in our hearts and become treasured members of our families. As responsible pet owners, it is our duty to ensure their safety and well-being. One essential step in safeguarding our companions is through the process of microchipping. Here are some tips on the microchipping process.

Why Microchip Your Pets?

Although collars and tags are always advised, they can be lost or removed, whereas a microchip provides a permanent form of identification for your pets. Each microchip contains a unique identification number linked to your contact information, ensuring that your pet can be easily identified if they are lost or found.

Accidents happen, gates are left open, holes are dug and pets can easily dash away and get lost. Having your pet microchipped significantly increases the chances of being reunited with them. Animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and rescue organizations have scanners that can detect the microchip and access the owner's information. By ensuring your pet is microchipped, you provide a lifeline for them to find their way back home.

Sadly, pet theft is a reality in today's world. Microchipping acts as a deterrent and provides a means to prove ownership if your pet is stolen. If the stolen pet is brought to a veterinary clinic or welfare, scanning for a microchip can help identify the rightful owner and prevent pet theft from going unnoticed. This is also why we ask for the previous owner’s permission when we assist you with a change of ownership.

How to Get Your Pets Microchipped:

Start by scheduling an appointment with your trusted veterinarian. If you have a new puppy or kitten, it can be at the same time as their vaccinations. The vet or welfare will guide you through the process and give you a cost. They will perform the microchipping procedure, which is quick, simple, and virtually painless for your pet.

After the microchip is implanted, it is vital to ensure your contact information is registered on the database – you can do that through this link on our homepage. This information is linked to the microchip number, enabling welfares or vets to contact you if your pet is found. Be sure to update any changes in your address, phone number, or email, so we have the most accurate and current details on our system.

Microchipping your beloved pets is a small yet vital step in ensuring their safety and increasing the chances of a happy reunion if they ever become lost or stolen. This ID provides peace of mind for pet owners, knowing that their companions have an added layer of protection. By microchipping our pets, we demonstrate our commitment to their well-being and ensure they receive the love and care they deserve throughout their lives.


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